This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Fashion - Illustrative Designs

These are some experiments of more illustrative ways of drawing my design. I really like the silhoutte style one on the left. I did these using black ink, the strong silhoutted figure works well at making the garment designs really stand out. I like this technique of drawing the designs because it really allowed my to try and portray the idea of movement in the piece. As the original idea was made from rigid pieces of card it was hard to imagine how else it could fit the body, or other materials it could be made of where as this style of drawing really allowed me to portray how the garment idea could contour the figure. 

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