This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Pick & Mix Project.

During assessment week we were given a one week project. The project was based round a random given object and we had to fill a sketchbook, using this object as the starting point.

My object was a....

Above is a photo of the lock itself. It's quite an old looking lock that is attached to a bike chain. I started the project with a mind map exploring different ideas associated with locks. What they're used for, why, how... metaphors linked to locks, and other abstract ideas seeing where locks could lead me.

This below is a scan I did at college of the lock I was given. Using monotone colours. I really like how this looks quite grungey and dark. When I think of locks in general I do think of connotations that are quite dark, scary etc. Old warehouses, prisons, forbidden places. So I think this scan really reflects that. 

Above are some photos I took of different locks and keys etc around my house and in the garden. Just to use as a reference and for ideas etc.

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