This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Saturday 6 October 2012

3D Design - Observational

We then changed media and had a go at doing our observational drawing using ink instead. Picking different objects as well. As you can see there was several testers at the side of the page exploring the media itself and it's limitations and how you could work with it. I found using ink really interesting because it gave you chance to be a bit more confident with the drawing. Increasing the scale and being stronger and bolder with the strokes. I think it really helped with exploring the object because you began to look and tones and surfaces. How many you could great a shiny reflection using the ink or texture, or even just shadow to portray the 3D element to the drawing. 

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