This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Graphic Design

Following some theory work we went on to look at how drawing is used in Graphic Design. 
Some of the purposes we came up with included:

  • Using drawing as a quick process to communicate ideas. 
  • Visual exploration... trying out different layouts (Thumbnails)
  • Ideas development and refinements. 
  • Hand drawn final ideas themselves, if you want a design to look hand drawn.
  • Also for client briefs... (similar to the top one) being able to show a quick idea for approval instead of creating a whole design to find that actually it's not in fact what they wanted.
We then had a go at some hand rendered lettering working from type from packaging. During this we were introduced to the thumbnail process. 

The photo below is how we did this. Picking sections of lettering from the packaging we drew out a section of type we liked in a small thumbnail box, thinking whilst doing it about composition; how much of the word we wanted to display, how big or small, what side of the page etc etc. For each item we did 3 thumbails. So the first one you can see is from Fentimans drinks (Which I absolutely love) the second one is from Golden Syrup, the third is from a marmite tub and the last is from a box of Whittard tea bags.

We then created four background, two made of collaged pieces and two make from ink. We then used to thumbnails we had created before, kept our packaging in front of us and used different techniques on each to come up with these different outcomes:

The top left one was done with a graphite stick, I quite like this one but it's not show up brilliantly on photo... I really like the lettering in general but using graphite stick in that way I can't say i'm particularly fond of. The top right one was done with my left hand (I'm right handed) and with white pastel. I really like this one the scribbly look I think ended up being quite effective, plus I really like the white pastel against the quick brush strokes of the dark ink.
The bottom left one was originally an inked background, then using masking tape to create the M I applied navy shoe polish over the entire section and over the ink, then removed the masking tape to reveal the M shape. I do quite like the process of this, I'm just not too keen on the background I chose to do it on because the ink was really way too dark for it. 
The last one was done on collage paper again and painted with ink using a really long stick. I really like the outcome of this one, it's a little messy but in a nice way and I really liked the original composition how it's at a slight angle, not central.  Also like how the black ink stands out nicely against the coloured paper but the pink also adds just a nice dash of colour.

The second day we then got given 6 words. We did mind maps exploring the connotations and meanings behind each word, then began to make thumbnails of how using text we could visually portray the words. The 6 words were:

We used collage to explore how the word could look visually, then we did these final ideas like the one above for "Consume". I think this one might be a tad literal but I do quite like it. The idea was the newspaper words were all consumed within the O. The O was made bigger to exaggerate this and make it stand out from the other letters. The above one is me doing the idea on paper and the bottom one was me scanning it in and using the font "Motor Oil" Which I felt worked quite nicely for it.

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