This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Thursday 11 October 2012

David Oliveira Wire Sculptures.

Whilst looking through metalwork artists I randomly came across a portuguese wire sculptor called David Oliveira. I thought his work was extremely interesting, At first it looks like a scribbly line drawing, then looking close you can see it's wire and it's detail is beautiful. It also looks as though the sculptures are suspended and on first glance appear to be floating, which I just find pretty crazy and visually great. 
What I really love is how he can make quite a rigid material as wire look like it's fluid. David Oliveira apparently studied a degree in sculpture and went on to a post-grad in artistic anatomy so there is no surprise in his material choice and subject. 

"The knowledge of the anatomy is very important, because the skin stretches and changes according to what is underneath. The structure is fixed. The challenge is to correspond the theme with the object. My works live in an ethereal world, like a memory or a dream. The theme has to respect that."

Interestingly as well, some of his sculptures look to be incomplete. Such as sculptures of just a mans legs... or just his feet! Which is slightly unusual but I found a quote by David Oliveira that stated:

"The spectator has a very important role, because in order to see, he has to fill the empty spaces with his own memories, creating a bond with the sculpture and his own life experiences." 

Upon finding his blog I found some really nice white wire sculptures done on a black background called "My friend with wedding dress". I thought these looked really nice, stood out brilliantly. I like how the sculptures almost look like they're transforming into something else in front of your eyes, the bits of wire that don't seem to be shaping the figure anymore makes you curious as to were it's going, what it's leading to.

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