This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Sunday 14 October 2012


David Carson

In the graphics design week we talked a lot about David Carson and his effect on the graphic design world. 

“he changed the public face of graphic design” -newsweek

“He significantly influenced a generation to embrace typography as an expressive medium”
- steven heller 2010

The above quotes are examples of David Carsons impact. David Carson is an american graphic designer, well known for his magazine design and experimental typography.

This is the Black Swan issue of Little White Lies magazine 2011 that David Carson designed. I really love this design. How the font is obstructing the photo but essentially takes nothing away from it. Strategically placed it doesn't interfere with the important features of the face. The letters look violent and I like how the typography is more prominent that the image. It challenges typical magazine covers where the image is of main importance, and usually the image is all perfect and airbrushed... especially when famous women are on the cover. Such as Elle below. Of course the magazines purpose and audiences differ greatly and it's understandable why Elle has such a cover. But it's clear to see that this is what Carson is in essence is mocking. How the the image obstructs the title because obviously Elle has a strong brand identity and how all the tag-lines are positioned to shape around Natalie Portmans figure. 

From looking at his works online I found out that he did the album The Fragile design for Nine Inch Nails. He did the design and the photography. I think this is really interesting. I really like the use of the colour firstly

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