This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Sara Fanelli

Sara Fanelli is an illustrator and artist from Florence. Her work is predominantly illustrations, children's illustrations, books and self-generated projects. 
What I really like about Sara Fanelli's work is colour palette. For most of her illustrations she uses a limited palette such as the one below is a mixture of the warm reds and oranges with the dark navy and cream colour all very complementing to one another. 
I also like her typography on the one below. How certain words are emphasised and not all the words are the same size.

The image above is from a book spread. What I like about this spread is how she's composed the page, it almost looks like a sketchbook with different ideas on. Her characters are very quirky and you can see how her work appeals to children, it's fun, colourful and unusual. What I also like about this one is the drawing of the pine cone, it shows she clearly has observational drawing skills. 

The above is a spread from her illustrations for the book Pinocchio, again I really like the limited colour palette used with just the browns and cream colour. I love how she's used opposing colour on each character as well, how the backdrop for the left one is the colour of the right one and vice versa. On the right hand side I love how the forest background is limited to just that little section and the rest is of the background is just a texture kind of thing. It really makes the character stand out and almost gives the impression of the characters both on a journey somehwere, they're not fully encorporated in the forest background because they're just passing so to speak. It's really quite clever.

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