This blog is to display my journey through a year of foundation art & design. I'm currently doing the foundation degree at Chesterfield College and these posts all show my exploration, research, ideas and more.


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I'm Toni. I'm 18. Art Student.

Saturday 6 October 2012


One artist that we were shown that I really like was Arman. French born american artist best known for his "accumulations" and destruction/recomposition of objects. 

Robot Portrait of Iris Clert

This one in particular I found really interesting. At first glance you'd just think well it's a heap of rubbish, but when you begin to look closer you see the importance of each object and how the piece has been put together in a certain way.  The colours have been chosen to look aesthetially pleasing.. it is clear there is a colour scheme. And that there are things that have been made to stand out more than others, such as the shoe and leopard print. What I think is really interesting about this is the title " Robot Portrait of Iris Clert" and in many ways this "portrait" provides us with more information about who Iris Clert is as a person than a typical portrait would. 

Home sweet home

I really like Armans use of repetition in his accumulations. I think it's particularly important in this piece. Straight away seeing gas masks makes me think of the first world war and children having to evacuate etc etc. I think there is something unsettling at the same time as something nice with this accumalation. The fact that all masks are together is quite nice, the idea of people being huddled together keeping each other safe. The title "Home sweet home" suggests a happiness. But at the same time the accumulation could refer to the death, why are all these masks together? because the people who owned them have died? or just that they are reunited? and I think gas masks in general have a scary un-comforting thing about them. 

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