Illustration Week 6
On the second day of illustration we were drawing from taxidermy birds. There was several birds in the classroom in glass boxes and we started off drawing them with similar experimental techniques... left hand drawing, continuous line drawing and drawing without looking at the paper. These we did in our sketchbook as a sort of warm up. It gave us chance to have a go at drawing each bird before going onto the next task where we concentrated on one bird for several drawings.
The bird which I was drawing was a Tucan. We began by with ink drawing with a long stick, we then went on to tape a felt tip to the end of the stick and then also a paint brush using the ink again. This was really difficult at first as it took away the control you would usually have.
We were again focusing on spending most of the time looking at the bird itself rather than the paper, and we were urged to keep correcting whenever we felt it went wrong instead of just carrying on. On this drawing above I really struggled with the angle of the beak, on the first line drawing of it I had to constantly keep making alterations and it was really hard to get right.
We then went over the first drawing with another felt top colour and were urged to alter where we felt we went wrong. So on this drawing above you can see there is several attempts at getting the beak correct.
We then got some brown ink, sprayed the drawing with a bit of water and worked into it even more with the ink and using the long stick to draw with.
On this drawing I think we started off drawing with brown ink. I felt I got the beak actually right on this one which was an achievement. After doing the line original line drawing we got another colour ink (blue) and worked on top using a brush... again taped to the long stick.
I concentrated on the negative space below the bird with this colour and the tried to add some element of shadow. I really like how this looked because it gave the bird more definition and context and stopped it looking just like a flat drawing. Even though we didn't have much control I do really like the effect this had on the drawing. The really sketchy lines and how you can see the alterations I actually think looks really effective and nice.

The bird which I was drawing was a Tucan. We began by with ink drawing with a long stick, we then went on to tape a felt tip to the end of the stick and then also a paint brush using the ink again. This was really difficult at first as it took away the control you would usually have.
We were again focusing on spending most of the time looking at the bird itself rather than the paper, and we were urged to keep correcting whenever we felt it went wrong instead of just carrying on. On this drawing above I really struggled with the angle of the beak, on the first line drawing of it I had to constantly keep making alterations and it was really hard to get right.
We then went over the first drawing with another felt top colour and were urged to alter where we felt we went wrong. So on this drawing above you can see there is several attempts at getting the beak correct.
We then got some brown ink, sprayed the drawing with a bit of water and worked into it even more with the ink and using the long stick to draw with.
On this drawing I think we started off drawing with brown ink. I felt I got the beak actually right on this one which was an achievement. After doing the line original line drawing we got another colour ink (blue) and worked on top using a brush... again taped to the long stick.
I concentrated on the negative space below the bird with this colour and the tried to add some element of shadow. I really like how this looked because it gave the bird more definition and context and stopped it looking just like a flat drawing. Even though we didn't have much control I do really like the effect this had on the drawing. The really sketchy lines and how you can see the alterations I actually think looks really effective and nice.
This one we started with green felt tip. Again you can see how certain parts went wrong and had to work back into it to get it correct. This drawing is done from a different angle, which it was a lot easier to get the beak right.
We then worked on top of this drawing with inks and also oil pastel. I really like how you can still see the underlying green felt tip. I felt I went a little to heavy with shadow on this one, but I still quite like the overall image and the effect of the mixed media.
The next day of Illustration we had to make our birds out of newspaper and paper as a 3D structure. I found this really difficult and very hard to get right, 3D definitely isn't an area I excel in. I didn't mind the outcome actually but I didn't feel it was the best representation of my bird. For the outside of the bird sculpture we used a cut up one of our previous drawings.

We used our left over scraps of drawings to create a collage of the shape of our paper bird sculpture. We then worked into this with ink and emulsion. I didn't feel this worked out particularly well. I tried to add some context to the drawing by drawing in the lines of the ceiling but I think I did this a bit sloppy and didn't concentrate enough on how the lines of the ceilings actually were. I do quite like the original collage though.

For the second drawing I decided to change how the paper bird was hung to alter to composition a little bit. We started this drawing by drawing with wax and then seeing how it resists to an ink wash. We then worked into the wax drawing with ink using a long stick to draw with. I really like how the piece looked at this stage. I attempted to bring into it the shadow below, colouring in the negative space a bit. We then worked into this with collage and emulsion again.
I really like the end outcome of this drawing, I think it worked really nicely. The techniques themselves I think were really good to let you be really loose with your drawing and again makes you look at your subject a different way when your using collage. I really enjoyed the mixture of medias used and just being able to really experiment.
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