Andrew Bannecker
To find some more illustrators that I'd not heard of before I thought it would be a good idea to go into the library and delve into their illustration books. I found the book Illustration Now, which had a wide variety of different illustrators, and I came across Andrew Bannecker.
He's an 'award-winning' illustrator from Washington and his clients have included Starbucks, Nike, Coco Cola and Sainsbury's, among many others.
I think the reason I picked Andrew Bannecker is because I really like digital illustrations done on illustrator/photoshop and the likes. It's something I've been trying to teach myself over the past few years and my interest in it just keeps growing. I really like this one above with the shapes used and how the textures have been created and layered up. It's stuck to a nice tight colour palette and is subtle and quite pleasant really. It incorporates nice simple shapes and the repetition used works nicely at the right hand side with the cluster of triangles.
These above illustrations are similar. I love how on the left one these wave like shapes have been layered over each other in different opacity's, and how they've come up to a point not like natural waves would. I think the combination of colours on this one makes it almost dream-like, I think it's because of the starry night sky and how the tides really look quite rapid and sharp but at the same time seem it seems so peaceful. The two illustrations above work nicely together as well. How the skies contrast in each one, like ones daytime and ones night. I like how it's a similar idea but done in a completley different way.
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